But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Matt 6:33
Here you go! Most of you have either already left for school or are leaving in the next week or so. As I was thinking of you this morning, the Lord led me to remind you to SEEK HIM FIRST. Starting college for the first time or going back is so exciting. It’s great to see and meet people, get your dorm or apartment all cuted up and put on your school swag as you head out to the first football game. In the midst of all of this, SEEK JESUS.
Please remember that if you try and find fulfillment in friends, classes, boys, etc. you will always be disappointed. Take some time today, drop to your knees and offer your semester to the King. Ask Him to give you a heart that longs for Him above all things. Ask His Holy Spirit to draw you to Himself. Ask Him to bring you peace that He is taking care of everything so you can rest in Him.
I love you, my girls. I am praying for you today and in the coming days.
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